NYS Disability Benefits Law & Paid Family Leave Act Insurance

Combining Coverage Required By Law with Excellent Service

New York is one of six U.S. states that require employers (including physician and attorney offices) to provide non-job-related disability coverage for their employees. It provides benefits to employees who suffer a non-job-related accident or sickness.

The benefits provided are one-half of the employee's wages to a maximum of $170.00 a week. Benefits are payable for a maximum of 26 weeks in any 52 week period. There is a seven day waiting period before benefits are payable.

NYS Disability Benefits Law policies also include state-mandated Paid Family Leave Law coverage. This provides benefits for employees under circumstances including:

  • paid leave for parents to bond with a new baby within the first year after birth or adoption
  • to take care of a sick family member
  • when a family member is called to active Military duty.

We offer a Disability Benefits Law / Paid Family Leave policy that provides the coverage required by law at a competitive premium through Standard Security Life Insurance Company. This ensures that your employees will have prompt, responsive service as part of a coordinated benefits plan.


Information provided is a summary only. For complete termsand limitations, please refer to the applicable Certificate or Policy of Insurance. Specimen copies available upon request.